James Patterson wrote the whole Maximum Ride Series. I am still in the first book of the series. Here are some things about some charactes in the book.
The main character in the book is Maximum Ride (Max). Some people think that Max would be a boy but she is actually female. Max and her family (flock) were normal humans until they got experimented on and now they are kind of like mutants. I am going to write about Max and another guy named Jeb. Jeb is a man that took care of Max and her family (flock).
Max really cares for the flock. She really shows her care for the flock on pages 295-296. They were in trouble with the cops and they were on a tree so they had to get down from the tree but still not get caught. Then she said "Get down; try to look normal. When wer'e on the ground, we'll make a run for it. If we get separated, connect up at, like, Fifty-fourth Street and Fifth Avenue.Comprende?" Max really cares about the flock.
Max has a really catchy name. On page 122 Max got to make up her own last name, Ride. Before her name was just Maximum now her name is Maximum Ride. I really like that name.
Jeb is a guy who is nice in the beggining but he seems kind of mean around the end of the book. He left the flock and made them think that he was there. But on page 114 Jeb says, "Hello Angel. I haven't seen you in a long time. I missed you kiddo." He seems nice here but he is still letting Angel be in all that pain that the other people are causing. So he is a Protagonist and an Antagonist in this book.
Max seems nice in this book but Jeb seems kind of mean. This the some info about the characters in this book but if you want to know more then get this book!