Thursday, September 3, 2009


This is like the 2nd earthquake that I have experienced in Indonesia. The last earthquake I had, was really cool because I almost fell into a swimming pool.

The Natural Enviroment:
Indonesia are getting these earthquakes because we are in the Ring of Fire.

Animals give us signs about natural disasters like the one that we had. A snake came out of his hole because he might have felt the earthquake coming. It was wierd because there were like 650 kids outside and animals don' t usually come out of their hole with a lot of people outside of their hole.

Jakarta has no landslides because the land is very flat. In other places there are some lands that are not flat and could make landslides. Some places have many mountains.

People Interacting with the Enviroment:

People usually die because of things falling ong them. Maybe a building or just something above us falls. We are usually the ones that give possibilities for us to die and not the enviroment.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Maria, you’ve done a fine job addressing the standards directly. I like the approach you took and the knowledge you displayed in your answer. Keep up the good work.