Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Haiti History

1. As Haiti has grown the forests have been cut down to make way for farmland and to for firewood for the people.

2. In 1915 the Americans invaded Haiti and left Haiti 19 years later.

3. The spanish people on Haiti killed most of the native people and imported african slaves to work for them.

4. When Duvalier ruled the country, the goverment killed the people who didn't agree with Duvalier.

5. While Duvalier ruled the country a lot of Haitians left the country for safety.

6. Only 30% of adults in Haiti are employed.

7. Haiti was ruled by bad people, for decades.

8. The french and americans hold a grudge for Haiti because of their loss and will not help the country.

9. When columbus and the europeans went to Haiti they brought disease, death and misery.

10. The people who ruled Haiti stole money from the people and left the people very poor.


Anonymous said...

AWESOME BLOG!!! I Love your blog!!! (also your writing about haiti... it's so sad:()
Anyway, thanks for commenting on my blog!!!

Michael said...

Maria, this is an assignment well done. It is so well done it is depressing to read, and I'm not at all happy about the US being involved to some degree with keeping them in poverty. I'm glad we're helping today. Keep up the good work.
