Monday, May 31, 2010

Video Ads

Maya Peterson's Ad
Purpose: To tell people not to smoke.
Target Audience: Adults and young adults.
How it's effective: The Ad tells us the bad things you get for smoking, and that smoking can kill you. The Ad has a very catchy and funny song.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Giver Journal Entry

The ceremony of Twelve is over now, and I feel nervous and confused about my new selection. What is The Receiver of Memory, and why hasn't anybody ever mention this to me? I'm looking through my list of instructions and I don't get it, I'm allowed to lie? The pain, of The Receiver of Memory doesn't sound that good, but it is a very important job in the community. I wonder why I was given the position as The Receiver of Memory, and what I will learn from this experience.

Friday, May 21, 2010

7 elements of Advertisng

Clio picked this Ad because it gives a good message in a simple way.
This Ad is showing us that we should plant more trees.
Elements of this Ad:

1. Symbolism- The nests are on the billboard, because there are not enough trees to build nests in.

2. Body Language- This is the what models would show in Ads. There is no models in this Ad.

3. Camera Angle- They make the camera look up to let you look at the nests better.

4. Special Effects- This is when they fix the Ad, to make the message more clear. There are no special effects added to this Ad.

5. Lighting and Color- The Ad is taken when the sky is blue and bright, so the nests stand out more.

6. Beauty and Social Standing- This is the way models stand or sit in Ads. There are no models in the Ad.

7. Layout and Graphics- The layout is showing that there are not enough trees, to make nests in so they are made on the billboards.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Cutes Skirt
Teen Girls
Easy laundering

You can buy cutes skirts in many different colors and sizes. We can find one that will match you. If you don't like cutes skirts, well just take a look at one, and you'll love them! Buy one now and get 50% off!

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Giver Summary- in 20 words

Jonas feels apprehensive about the ceremony of twelves. In Jonas' community language is important and there are many different rules.